The Third Week Stories in Nature School Activity

     When we did Nature School programme in first week and second week our programme running smoothly and no significant problems,we feel really happy and satisfied  in the first and second week when we teach children of CotPaya, and Alhamdulillah for that....but we want to continue our nature school activity in the third week we have absolutely significant problems coz every day of this week the rain is always falling down and slightly flooded the place that usual we using to teach them (Children of Cotpaya) foreign laguages.

     So we can't continue our Nature school programme because the weather was not supporting us in this third week, the children can't come because of heavy rain plus strong winds they not allowed by their parents, so we are from grup 1 apologized to miss Deasi because this situasion we can't tell more and give report about their  increase in foreign language learning.. we are so sorry and we will contineu our programme in the fourth week and we hope Allah will give  the best chance for us in doing this activity......

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