Stories in the fourth weeks when Doing Nature School Program

     Allahdulillahi 'ala kullihal Shalatuwassalamu 'alarusullillah wa'alaalihi.....All praise be to Allah lord of the world and salam to Rasulullah SAW and maybe peace and mercy always on us....

     before writing a lot, as a responsible of the nature school program, I want to apologize to members of my group for what I've done, I forgot to tell all the children in the cotpaya village  that on that day exactly on Thursday, that we will teach them  foreign languages such as previous weeks, therefore only three children were present, and I absolutely regret about that one.....

     On that day, we could not learn in nature coz the place that we used to learn a bit muddy, so in anticipation that we teach the three children in the TPA (Taman Pendidikan Al-qur'an) Gampoeng cotpaya so that these children can still learn....

     Because only three children were present, before they start the lessons i ask them to watch cartoons in English ,and then they have to learn.coz we haven't lot of the time we just teach them the names of the day in English and they have to memorize it

    The most surprising of this day was turned out there was one of a group who can little bit Korean her name’s Nurkahaliza, so on that day I told him to teach the children the basics of Korean language and three children really enjoyed the lessons and they look very happy and always ask us when we learn again ???we always can :D

Syukran - Wassalam.....

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