Nature School in fifth weeks

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate

Alahmdulillahirabbil'alamin shalutuwassalaamu'ala rasulillah wa'alaa alaih....

All praise belong to Allah who still give chance to us (Nature School grup) to continue made our program for cot paya children, so that in fifth weeks this the of cotpaya still can learned foreign languages as usual...

In this week, we tried to teached the arabic, but before starting the lesson we watched movies in English first with kids, so that they will not feel bored...

After that we start the lesson and try to repeat a little of what they have learned in the previous weeks, then we teached them the names of trees and parts of its  in Arabic and we told them to memorize it.... there is no problem in this week and we feel really happy..... 


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