Nature School Activity in sixth weeks

Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim, In the name of Allah most  Gracious and most Compassionate

Alhamdulillahhirabbil'alamiin shalatuwassalamu'alaarasulillah wa'alaih....

Firstly, I'd to thank to Allah that still gives us his rahmat and healthy so that my friends and i still can make nature school program like usual.....

In This week, we teach them English and litte bir german language, but before we started to learn we invited the students to watch the movie in english to increase their ability in listening the people who talk in english...

After we finished watched the movie we started to teach them english and try a little bit to repeat the previous week's lessons... there is no problem in this week Allhamdulillah the students enjoyed the class...

After finished english lesson we contineu with learn how to introduce our self in german and how to greet the other people.... and Alhamdulillah it all goes smoothly....


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