Day two Nature School Activity

     This is my second week note in doing "free Nature school for Cotpaya Children" this time, the foreign language that we teach is basic german and Arabic, my first planning in this day actually i want to teach them only basic german language,but when it's over, still left plenty of time so we continue with litte bit teach them arabic, special for german language only me who teach them coz the others friends of my grup they not too could in teaching german they only help me and sometimes they learn german too with the children, so i take all on my control :D, among them there is no one who ever learn german language before so I really wore my patience this time, i teach slowly if they please reapeat i reapeat it, they say not understand i teach them again no matter how tired it is :D coz i ever feel like them, when i learn german for the first time. the lesson that i teach in that is how to say good morning in german how to say good afternoon, good evening and how to say good night in german, only that only simple greeting .

In german, good morning it say "guten morgen" read as written good afternoon it say "good tag" good evening it say "guten abend" and good night it say "guten nacht" it easy :D , there are no significant obstacles when teaching them on that day coz they really focus in learn this languange i really happy and really appreciate them. the other thing that me proud of them is when I meet them in the next day when they were playing whit their friends and i ask them hey how to say good morning in german? they know the asnwer "it's guten morgen they say like that" it's make me really happy it's mean they learn the lesson that i have given for them in their home.....:D this the power that make me spirit when teach them again in the next week.....

this is the picture that i take during the class

                                                                         after class is over

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